Friday, December 20, 2013

College magazine front cover

Front cover idea

Here is the final front cover idea for my college magazine. I have made significant changes to it from my first idea. I think that now it is more stylish and inviting to readers. The layout of the cover is still what I had intended although the sub-headings have been changed to not such an orderly state, I did this to take the attention away from the reflection in the windows. I added in a college logo as the space needed to be filled otherwise it would look unusual with the heading being below the top half of the page. I kept all content away from the right side of the cover as that is where the focus of the cover is intended, so that it clearly shows a cheerful student. 

College magazine contents page

Contents page idea

This is my idea for the contents page for my magazine. I decided not to change the layout idea I had. The contents page was aimed to keep a friendly sense about it, a welcoming to the magazine which is why I decided to write a welcoming message to readers. As it is only a practice I only used boxes to represent some of my images but I designed it as I would if it was to be an actual magazine. The line on the left of the magazine represents the margin, I intended to remove that once I was done with it but this is just the basic idea for my magazine. I kept to the colour scheme of my magazine, blue, red, white and black but added grey to the contents page.

Monday, December 16, 2013

College magazine Contents page

Contents Page Layout

Here is my first layout idea for my magazine. The inspiration for the design came from a previous possible idea that i'd posted. I decided to use an intro message to greet readers, telling them what the magazine contains. To go well with the message, I decided to rearrange one of the images for the contents page to help welcome readers as it is a student with a smile. This can help give a cheerful, inviting sense. I will be using different font for each sub-section of the page to help distinguish them apart. The margin is used so no content will be ignored in the sole of the spine of the magazine

Friday, December 13, 2013

College magazine front cover

College magazine idea

Here are the changes I've made to my front cover, it is a more improved, suitable version. Using the editing tools from iPhoto, I made the images colours more vibrant and I zoomed in on the image more, capturing the students expression and removing some of the inappropriate content of the image. I decided to remove the bold 'college' wording and replaced it with the heading for my magazine, as i think that it would be more suitable and would stand out. It is still unfinished but this is the prime layout and design for my front cover.

College magazine front cover

College magazine idea

This is my first idea of my front cover, I wanted to go for something that would catch the audiences attention. The colour scheme of the magazine is intended to be friendly, this is so that it is very welcoming. The image is used is ideal as it is taken in front of the college's main entrance with a cheerful student, this is to help give a friendly sense and show that it is a friendly happy place for students. There are some problems with the front cover which urges me to change it. The reflection in the glass attracts the readers attention, drawing them away from the main image. The steps are dirty which is not ideal to represent a happy, clean educational establishment. The sub-headings do not grab the readers attention as there is too much going on with too many words. I want to change my idea for the heading of the magazine as it is not suitable for a magazine. I may need to adjust the zoom of the image so that the steps are not shown and I can position the sub-headings to cover the glass reflection.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Front cover ideas (College)

College magazine layout

I got the idea for this layout from another college magazine I had found. The layout of the sub-headings have been placed on both sides of the cover because I decided to change my idea from the one I have decided to use for my music magazine. I did this because i though it would give a more appropriate, friendlier sense. I want to focus the readers attention on the image used for the cover so that readers can see the kind of environment to this educational establishment, positioning the sub-headings around the main image helps focus the attention to the image.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Front cover idea

Front cover design idea

Here is one of the designs for my magazine. It still would need adjusting as the background image is not suitable for my genre of music. This idea came from inspiration from a EMM magazine front cover. The logo of the magazine covers the top of the left third, this is so that when displayed in the stores half is covered and only the left third is displayed. Readers will see the logo and either recognise the magazine or be intrigued to the design pattern. The masthead is in a different font and colour so that it stands out to the readers eye. Then colour scheme I have used for my front cover fits quite well, the design format of the text and images should interest readers.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Double page spread design ideas

Double page spread inspiration
This design does not come from a dance or electronic music magazine. The reason why this design caught my eye is because I like the idea of the silhouette design with the text. If i were to use this as inspiration for my own design idea I would obviously change the colour scheme to a more appropriate pattern for my genre of music, I would layout the text around both images on both sides, and I would change the font design to suit my genre. The two images would be changed but I would keep the original format of the design.