Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Music Magazine contents page

Contents page Draft 4

Here is a updated draft of my contents page. Because of the dark background of the page I had to make it somewhat brighter, which is why I have made the margin lines brighter as well as the text. I have used rectangular shapes as a background for my text, because of this it made the layout and design quite crowded with boxy designs so I decided to arrange the images in a circular shape design. I am still unsure whether the boxes used for the text suits the style of the page, I am aiming for a simple, composed, stylish feel towards the magazine.  On the bottom right corner I have changed the shape of the advertisement to a circular shape, matching the design of the page. The font design and colour works together to bring a intrinsic style of dance and house music.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Music Magazine Evaluation

Seven Questions

Here are the seven questions answered for my evaluation:

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My media product challenges other real media products as it offers a new design and interpretation on news, which may offer information that others do not. It utilizes other design techniques from various content from other magazines, and interprets them into its own, creating a new style of design. This new style may attract reader’s due to its unique design, challenging other magazines. It develops not only itself but other magazines as well, promoting design styles that may inspire new designs and offering a newer, modern magazine. Each new magazine that is developed with its own characteristic, fresh design expands the evolution of print media. (Add a pick of the pick used as inspiration for mag and a pick of mag)

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media product is based on a dance & house genre music magazine. It is modern and targeted at a young audience. Being targeted at a young audience the initial design and layout of the magazine is inspired from their stereotypical youth lifestyle. The style of the magazine is reflected from this stereotype, giving vitality and excitement through an artistic approach. Using various images of people within the targeted age group and adrenaline-fueled places. (Include images used)

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The media institution IPC may be interested in my product, as the magazines published by this company are modern and popular, one of the magazines published by this media institution is NME which is one of many popular magazines that is distributed. Although this magazine is different to mine, because IPC only distribute one magazine so another magazine to distribute may become beneficial, especially because the target audience for my magazine is quite large and ideal.

 Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my media product would be youths aged 16-30. The music magazine is a dance & house music genre. These aspects of music are energetic and party based, which is suitable for the selected audience. They will be intrigued on the latest, most popular music and any party/festival events taking place throughout the year.

How did you attract/address your audience?

The front-page sub-headings are styled with intriguing font designs, these are used to work with the main image used. The image is of a young person with some anchorage text explaining what it is, this may attract the chosen audience as the picture relates to their age, intriguing them as to who this someone is, being so young. (Include image of pic used) This may attract readers and the content may intrigue them to read on. On both the front cover and contents page there is an advertisement for competing for an expensive prize, bringing curiosity to readers.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Throughout the process of making this magazine I have learnt that there is much more to modern technology then realized. The software used in computer systems that are simply sold to the public is more powerful and capable of much more than known. Also, through attempting to create my magazine I have learnt that you need much knowledge on using the I.T. software, knowledge of the functions capable, to be familiar and skillful with the tools, and to have a artistic view. The software iPhoto and Preview on the apple computer system are more useful and capable of more then realized. The pictures I used for my own magazine were altered using these applications, it was through the use of experimenting with the features they offered was that I found they had more to them. When it came to experimenting with font designs I used Pages and Microsoft Word. Each one offered many designs and I found that each can design fonts to a more personlised level for one’s self, personally I found that the apply software Pages offered more variety and personlisation techniques. Whether it be a apply system or Microsoft system people use, each one is more capable and more advanced then people know.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

From the start of the preliminary task to progressing and finalizing my magazine, I feel like I have learnt much about the computer software I have used. From starting off to now I feel I have also gained an artistic perspective through a magazine editor’s approach. Altering designs from not only my perspective but for the reader’s perspective also, thinking about how the design and layout will be seen as well as how it’s designed. Also, debating and considering on what designs would be suitable and attract the targeted audience, what will catch the reader’s attention and make them curious.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Music Magazine double-page spread

Double page spread draft 3

Here is another draft for my double-page spread. Various changes have been made, the background of the page has been altered so that it even on both pages. On the left page the two top images have been changed as all three images on that page were taken on the same day. Different pictures have been arranged there to help make it look more professional and authentic. The image on the right page has been rearranged so that the page number does not awkwardly cover it. The text has been paragraphed and checked for any mistakes, making it look more official. It goes over the start up of the new artist and the progress made, as professional magazines would. Here is the article used:

Iridescent has recently signed with Adidas to be the new face of the sports wears company, taking a photo-shoot for their new sports wear magazine as seen on the left. “I can’t believe wants happened lately, it still feels like a dream. I never thought I would become this big, signing to be the new face of a major sport wears company, becoming one of the biggest artists in the UK” says the 20 year old from Liverpool. The artist has also been attending iTunes events as seen on the left, he catches a photo with rock star Deathblow. The rising star has become a local hero, and is a huge supporter of Help the Heroes.

He talks about how it felt the first time he performed in front of hundreds. “The pressure was suffocating, I could not believe how nervous I was, and I could barely stand.” However, as soon as the young artist got on stage, the rhythm flowed and his love for his music became lionized. Over the last 14 months the artist has gone through a huge transition, from working at club to club till a certain someone noticed his talent. This someone is Hugh Dewar and he is now managing the young artist, on the left is a picture of them both at the DJ awards event. Iridescent has signed on a record deal with Spinoff Records and is now becoming more popular then anyone ever thought.

The newly released album ‘G6’ is officially the first published album by the artist, we managed to grab a quote from the artist about it “This album will official mark my steps in music history, I thoroughly enjoyed making it, it will be the pure backbone of my music”. The newly released album has already sold thousands of units and has become one of the UK’s top 5 sold albums.