Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Front cover layout ideas

Front cover layout design

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhaQVg7y5gsoqpIwFYzOfUe09q5FwhSVqP-6zavki_A4CpaZzWEa9OzQFG4RnECo3cx5PYbHe3MYKuZW54QawwOXuHDhRupj2F5Tdc-v3aJJBG-SVxBpBECm8rz9qKfKNkizB-TtjE9jPfS/s640/blogger-image-1275249956.jpgHere is a layout design I have created using Microsoft publisher. I was aiming for a organized, simplistic layout. The picture needed to stand out which  is why i decided to not cover any part of it with text, keeping the focus on the image. To represent the magazine, I decided to make the logo stand out rather then have a title by itself. Doing this I think it will catch the readers eye because of the design of the heading. The inspiration for this design came from this EMM magazine. The reason why is because i think the design layout of this front cover stands out well and it works well with the genre of music the magazine is aimed at.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Contents page design ideas (School magazine)

Comparison of two contents pages

Here are two different contents page ideas for a school magazine. The one on the left has little design and thought to it. The colour blend does not match well and is not really appropriate for a school magazine. The colour used for the text is too bright, cannot read the text. The idea on the left is not suitable or ideal for a magazine, it misses appropriate design. The design idea on the right is much more appropriate design. The colour scheme suits the topic and aimed audience well. The font style is simplistic but suitable. The layout makes it look more interesting and appealing to students and parents, it makes it look welcoming and gives an idea to readers what the school is like. Very little design and interest has been put into the idea on the left, I do not like this idea but it is still helpful as to what I don't want my own to look like. The idea on the right appeals to me more and I do like the idea of the colour scheme and layout as it gives a more welcoming and inviting sense, which is ideal for readers of a school magazine.

Front cover design ideas (School magazine)

College magazine cover

I like this magazine cover because it is friendly and inviting. The font styles are simplistic and the colour scheme gives a sort of friendly sense. I do like the idea os simplicity for a school/college front cover although I think there needs to be a different style for the title, one thats more smooth and welcoming. The image used for the cover works well for the magazines topic and who it is aimed. It works well because it gives the impression that students are happy and delightful. That students here enjoy themselves, and are well mannered and upright. That the grounds are looked after well and students love them. The layout of the text is spread around the image, focusing the attention on the image. I like the layout, the styles used, and the idea for the image used, I may use similar ideas for my own school/college magazine.

Contents page design ideas


MixMag contents page

The layout of this design caught my attention because I like the match of colours and the positioning of the images and text. The image has been enlarged to cover the majority of the page, the image fits in well especially because it suits the genre of music. The font styles used on the right side of the page do go together quite nicely, I may consider using this style for my own although the text at the bottom seems too small to read, if I was to use this style I would make the text considerably larger. Overall I think that this style and layout matches the music genre well and I may get my inspiration from this design when it comes to creating my own contents page of my music magazine.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Front cover design ideas

VIBE Dance music magazine

Even though the music genre is different, what caught my eye about this cover is the layout of the information is spread around the image and has been brought forward, covering a part of the title. They seemed to have aimed to focus the readers attention on the image rather than the information given, trying to catch their attention. The mixing of the different colours of the wording used fit together nicely, I may consider using this layout and design as inspiration. The positioning of the information is more appropriate, it is not spread out as the last design cover was and a larger size is used to cover more of the page.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Front cover design ideas

NOVEMBER: 2013MixMag Dance music magazine front cover

I'm not sure about the layout of this front cover but I am intrigued by it. The magazines title is quite bold, I may consider using a design similar to this. What puts me off this front cover is the layout. The information is spread out, there isn't much information given so there is much space, this makes it look plain. The font designs used for the text do suit the genre of the music, but I think that there needs to be a more vibrant design and layout to this front cover.           
18/11/2013. Hello, this is my media studies AS blog for my magazine project.