Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Music Magazine contents page

Contents page draft 3

Here is another draft of my contents page. I have made a few alterations. As the background is dark I brightened the text ti make them more easily readable. The masthead has been changed to white with a black outline making it more distinct and creative. The topics of each article have now been highlighted in red, helping to make them more distinguishable and clearly seen as the topic. I left the page numbers white so they can be easily and separate from the topic. The bottom right hand corner has now been covered with an advertisement. Displaying the outside with red catches the reader's attention, key parts of the text such as 'WIN' and 'Ibiza!' have been highlighted to help seize the reader's attention.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Music Magazine front cover

Front cover draft 3

Here is another edited copy of my front cover. I have only made a couple of alterations to my front cover. The masthead has been straightened out and made slightly smaller so that it can fit and fill the top of the page. The masthead now is clearly presented like that of a professional magazine, it does not look like it has been muddled up. I have also shifted the 'Exclusive' part of the front cover over to the left-third of the page so that it does not look as though it has been randomly placed, looking more of an organised layout. It will not be clearly seen from the left-third but readers will see a glimpse of it, intriguing them.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Music Magazine front cover

Front cover draft 2

Here is altered draft of my front cover for my magazine. I've made all sub-headings more bolder, making them more noticeable and easy to read. The logo in the left-third has been modified, I have change the initial text colour to a darker image so that the background image can be changed so that the contrast between them will make the logo stand out, more eye catching. The design of the heading next to the logo has also been altered. I have made it into a more unique, distinct design. I used a dotted underline design to help with the unique design. The 'Tomorrow Land' sub-heading has been enlarged an bold-end so that it is noticed and easily read in the left-third. On the other half of the cover I have enlarged and changed the font of the red text so that they appear more distinct and exciting to readers. The anchorage text displayed in front of the image has been changed slightly. I changed the text 'New Album' to the colour white, changed the font design, and displayed the text with a black background to make it stand out to readers. The positioning of the bottom texts and images have also been rearranged. The rectangle design has been rotated 90 degrees, so that it can give more thrill an interest in the left-third. The text within the design has also been altered to a more appropriate choice of words for my music genre. The 'exclusive interview' has been arranged in the middle of the bottom, and the barcode with the price and month issue is displayed in the bottom right corner. The new design layout and text designs, I believe have improved the cover, making it more thrilling and exciting to readers.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Music Magazine front cover

Front cover draft 2 (plan)

Here is a rough draft of my alterations I am planning on making to my front cover. I intend on making the logo bigger so that it can stand out more in the left-third. Trying to make it more of an original, authentic style for the magazine. There are some sub-headings I intend on also enlarging, this is to make them stand out more, filling the page and making them more readable from a distance so that it may catch a reader's eye. The anchorage text in front of the cover photo will be more bold to make it stand out more, making it more clearly read, trying to make the design more attention grabbing. Also, the bar-code will be shifted to the right-side of the cover and the text covering the right-side will be shifted to the-left. This is to make it be seen on the left-third, adding to the style of the magazine cover to catch more attention.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Music Magazine contents page

Contents page draft 2

Here is a second draft of my contents page. Looking over the NME contents design, I have designed the layout based around that. I noticed that the month issue and wed address was displayed at the top next to the heading rather then the bottom, this is so they can be easily found and not missed. I have added more information on more pages and included another image. Like the style of the NME mag, I displayed the page numbers at the top corner of each image and displayed anchorage text underneath each image rather then along with other information. I have kept the original style of my contents page as I still believe it suits my genre of music well. I have also categorized the text into two separate columns, one for the main features and one for the usual information for each issue. Reading through the NME magazine contents page, I noticed the main features were displayed towards the second half of the magazine. This is so that readers do not go straight to the main features, they read through the 'regular' information to find anything new about their familiar information before moving on to the main features. This gradually builds excitement and prevents boredom.