Monday, January 6, 2014

School magazine front cover

 Front cover inspiration

Here is the background image I used for my front cover, my final design for my College magazine, and the idea for the style of my sub-headings. You can notice that the image used for the background has changed on my final design. Using iPhoto I edited the image to give a more vibrant, joyful appearance as the original image had a lesser look due to the weather conditions. Also, I used the programme to remove the 'College' masthead to give room for the heading of my magazine, it would look bizarre if I left it there and added in my heading. The college logo was added in to give the same effect as the idea I have for my music magazine, as the heading was further down the page I needed a logo for the top half. The idea for the font design for my heading came from the 'MixMag' music magazine. Although it is a music magazine, I thought that the design would look good as it is simple and modern. The size and style of the magazine would have to remain the same for the next issues of the magazine, I have sort of trapped myself with the design of the heading as it cannot be changed that much. The reason why I was inspired to use the style from the example for my own was because I thought the style is quite fitting, friendly, and suitable for a school/college magazine as it represents the youth of the students.

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