Sunday, May 11, 2014

Seven Question

Draft 2

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My media product challenges other real media products as it offers a new design and interpretation on information, which may offer knowledge that others do not. It utilizes other design techniques from various content from other magazines, such as EMM, NME and Empire, even though these are not the same genre it interprets them to create a new style of design. This new style may attract reader’s due to its unique design, challenging other magazines. It develops not only itself but other magazines as well, promoting design styles that may inspire new designs and offering a newer, modern magazine. Each new magazine that is developed with its own characteristic, fresh design expands the evolution of print media. The contents page of my magazine uses an uncommon colour scheme, using a dark background with white text, standing out key parts of the text with red. My magazine cover picture on the front cover looks to the right rather then towards the reader, this challenges other forms & conventions, as it is an unusual idea used bringing curiosity to the magazine. A convention from another magazine has been used, the left third of the EMM front cover has been used and interpreted to fit the style of my magazine. The initial look of the magazine from the front cover is intriguing due to the blank white background. It gives the feeling of a stylish, unique ambience. (Add a pick of the pick used as inspiration for mag and a pick of mag)

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My media product is based on a dance & house genre music magazine. It is modern and targeted at a young audience with the age range of 16-26. Being targeted at a young audience the initial design and layout of the magazine is inspired from their stereotypical adolescence lifestyle. The style of the magazine is reflected from this stereotype, giving vitality and excitement through an artistic approach. Using various images of people within the targeted age group and adrenaline-fueled places. These images should suffice as they represent the appropriate behavior of a young generation, images with the aspects of being dynamic, riotous and adventurous. (Include images used)

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The media institution IPC may be interested in my product, as the magazines published by this company are modern and popular, one of the magazines published by this media institution is NME which is one of many popular magazines that is distributed. IPC distribute many magazines such as Nuts and Country Life. The media institution distributes magazines for a wide variety of lifestyles, however they do not distribute any music magazines to a specific genre. My music magazine genre does not link to NME but it offers an expansion into a new market, which has a large target audience. It goes into detail about a particular area of music that is very popular, expanding the media institution’s consumer range and possibly improving cash flow.

Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience for my media product would be youths aged 16-26. The music magazine is a dance & house music genre. These aspects of music are energetic and party based, which is suitable for the selected audience. They will be interested on the latest, most popular music and any party/festival events taking place throughout the year. The genre of music is not gender specific although males are more likely to buy the magazine then females. This is because men are more interested in the details of events where as women tend to just participate in them.

How did you attract/address your audience?
The front-page sub-headings are styled with intriguing font designs, these are used to work with the main image to give an insight on the sort of features and attitude the magazine has. The colour scheme I chose gives the feeling of a stylish, exciting look. The image is of a young person with some anchorage text that is displayed with a unique bold style, explaining what it is, this may attract the chosen audience as the picture relates to their age, intriguing them as to who this someone is, being so young. (Include image of pic used) This may attract readers and the content may intrigue them to read on. On both the front cover and contents page there is an advertisement for competing for an expensive prize, bringing curiosity to readers. MixMag is a popular magazine from my music genre, the initial style of my magazine is based on it, especially the front cover, giving that stylish simplistic look that attracts readers.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Throughout the process of making this magazine I have learnt that there is much more to modern technology then realized. The software used in computer systems that are simply sold to the public is more powerful and capable of much more than known. Also, through attempting to create my magazine I have learnt that you need much knowledge on using the I.T. software, knowledge of the functions capable, to be familiar and skillful with the tools, and to have a artistic view. The software iPhoto and Preview on the apple computer system are more useful and capable of more then realized. The pictures I used for my own magazine were altered using these applications, it was through the use of experimenting with the features they offered was that I found they had more to them. When it came to experimenting with font designs I used Pages and Microsoft Word. Each one offered many designs and I found that each can design fonts to a more personlised level for one’s self, personally I found that the apple software Pages offered more variety and personlisation techniques. Whether it be a apply system or Microsoft system people use, each one is more capable and more advanced then people know. I think that I’ve acquired skills on how to use these design software features. How to crop and manipulate images, layout, and text to how I see fit, just like how I’ve done in my own magazine, cropping and edited pictures used in the contents and double page spread.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
From the start of the preliminary task to progressing and finalizing my magazine, I feel like I have learnt much about the computer software I have used. From starting off to now I feel I have also gained an artistic perspective through a magazine editor’s approach. Altering designs from not only my perspective but for the reader’s perspective also, thinking about how the design and layout will be seen as well as how it’s designed. Also, debating and considering on what designs would be suitable and attract the targeted audience, what will catch the reader’s attention and make them curious. Because of learning about this new broadened view of representation and expanded artistic sense, it has interested me about the design aspect of media and may consider moving further into the media design industry. These skills can benefit in the future for example, giving a presentation, when designing it you can think about how it will look and appeal to you through the perspective of the audience. When designing products etc, the consideration of how ideal the outlook of the design will be.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Music Magazine double-page spread

Double-Page Spread draft 4

Here is a improved draft of my double page spread. I removed the top two images of the left side of the page, covering it with a single image. There was empty space that I felt the need to fill, I placed it with quotes of that from other magazines, giving information from what others have said. The text has been increased to cover the majority of the right page. The look of the design and layout is stylish and set out to be like that of a dance magazine. The 'I' symbolises the topic, being the first letter of the artists name. The text for the article is displayed below:

The new profound artist has been pursuing this dream since he was 17, not bad for only 3 years experience. “I was just a usual teen, minding my own business, sitting back with a can of Pepsi whilst looking round the Internet. It was then I found a performance by a DJ called avicii, just seeing the decks and the way he manipulated the effects to create such a good song”. It was then he realized that this is what he wanted to do. “I bought myself some cheap decks and began learning and practicing. A few months went by and I started performing at birthdays and private party events. After some time after that word got out of my talent and clubs were starting to hire me. The atmosphere of what was happening to me was surreal.”

Iridescent has recently signed with Adidas to be the new face of the sports wears company, taking a photo-shoot for their new sports wear magazine as seen on the left. “I can’t believe wants happened lately, it still feels like a dream. I never thought I would become this big, signing to be the new face of a major sports wear company, becoming one of the biggest artists in the UK” says the 20 year old from Liverpool­­­. The rising star has become a local hero, and is a huge supporter of Help the Heroes.

He talks about how it felt the first time he performed in front of hundreds. “The pressure was suffocating, I could not believe how nervous I was, and I could barely stand.” However, as soon as the young artist got on stage, the rhythm flowed and his love for his music became lionized. Over the last 14 months the artist has gone through a huge transition, from working at club to club till a certain someone noticed his talent. This someone is Hugh Dewar and he is now managing the young artist. Iridescent has signed on a record deal with Spinoff Records and is now becoming more popular then anyone ever thought.

The newly released album ‘G6’ is officially the first published album by the artist, we managed to grab a quote from the artist about it “This album will official mark my steps in music history, I thoroughly enjoyed making it, it will be the pure backbone of my music”. The newly released album has already sold thousands of units and has become one of the UK’s top 5 sold albums.

What is he up to now? We managed to catch up with the artist and find out what his latest project is…

“At the moment I am working on a new single, but what will make this different from the rest is that I am going to make it the quintessence of life through the use of dance music. What inspired me to take up such an idea is that I wanted to create a single that would convey its beauty, serenity, and magnificence.”

Speaking with his manager, Iridescent is scheduled to play at many events this summer, his popularity his risen rapidly. He is signed to play at the Cream Ibiza event in of course Ibiza, the world’s number one party spot, he’s sure to bring the house down there with that kind of atmosphere. The artist is also scheduled to play right here at the UK’s biggest dance festival the nation has to offer, Creamfields 2014. This year is a very exciting year for Iridescent, it has official become the kick start of a whole new world for the young artist.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Music Magazine contents page

Contents page Draft 4

Here is a updated draft of my contents page. Because of the dark background of the page I had to make it somewhat brighter, which is why I have made the margin lines brighter as well as the text. I have used rectangular shapes as a background for my text, because of this it made the layout and design quite crowded with boxy designs so I decided to arrange the images in a circular shape design. I am still unsure whether the boxes used for the text suits the style of the page, I am aiming for a simple, composed, stylish feel towards the magazine.  On the bottom right corner I have changed the shape of the advertisement to a circular shape, matching the design of the page. The font design and colour works together to bring a intrinsic style of dance and house music.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Music Magazine Evaluation

Seven Questions

Here are the seven questions answered for my evaluation:

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My media product challenges other real media products as it offers a new design and interpretation on news, which may offer information that others do not. It utilizes other design techniques from various content from other magazines, and interprets them into its own, creating a new style of design. This new style may attract reader’s due to its unique design, challenging other magazines. It develops not only itself but other magazines as well, promoting design styles that may inspire new designs and offering a newer, modern magazine. Each new magazine that is developed with its own characteristic, fresh design expands the evolution of print media. (Add a pick of the pick used as inspiration for mag and a pick of mag)

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media product is based on a dance & house genre music magazine. It is modern and targeted at a young audience. Being targeted at a young audience the initial design and layout of the magazine is inspired from their stereotypical youth lifestyle. The style of the magazine is reflected from this stereotype, giving vitality and excitement through an artistic approach. Using various images of people within the targeted age group and adrenaline-fueled places. (Include images used)

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The media institution IPC may be interested in my product, as the magazines published by this company are modern and popular, one of the magazines published by this media institution is NME which is one of many popular magazines that is distributed. Although this magazine is different to mine, because IPC only distribute one magazine so another magazine to distribute may become beneficial, especially because the target audience for my magazine is quite large and ideal.

 Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my media product would be youths aged 16-30. The music magazine is a dance & house music genre. These aspects of music are energetic and party based, which is suitable for the selected audience. They will be intrigued on the latest, most popular music and any party/festival events taking place throughout the year.

How did you attract/address your audience?

The front-page sub-headings are styled with intriguing font designs, these are used to work with the main image used. The image is of a young person with some anchorage text explaining what it is, this may attract the chosen audience as the picture relates to their age, intriguing them as to who this someone is, being so young. (Include image of pic used) This may attract readers and the content may intrigue them to read on. On both the front cover and contents page there is an advertisement for competing for an expensive prize, bringing curiosity to readers.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Throughout the process of making this magazine I have learnt that there is much more to modern technology then realized. The software used in computer systems that are simply sold to the public is more powerful and capable of much more than known. Also, through attempting to create my magazine I have learnt that you need much knowledge on using the I.T. software, knowledge of the functions capable, to be familiar and skillful with the tools, and to have a artistic view. The software iPhoto and Preview on the apple computer system are more useful and capable of more then realized. The pictures I used for my own magazine were altered using these applications, it was through the use of experimenting with the features they offered was that I found they had more to them. When it came to experimenting with font designs I used Pages and Microsoft Word. Each one offered many designs and I found that each can design fonts to a more personlised level for one’s self, personally I found that the apply software Pages offered more variety and personlisation techniques. Whether it be a apply system or Microsoft system people use, each one is more capable and more advanced then people know.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

From the start of the preliminary task to progressing and finalizing my magazine, I feel like I have learnt much about the computer software I have used. From starting off to now I feel I have also gained an artistic perspective through a magazine editor’s approach. Altering designs from not only my perspective but for the reader’s perspective also, thinking about how the design and layout will be seen as well as how it’s designed. Also, debating and considering on what designs would be suitable and attract the targeted audience, what will catch the reader’s attention and make them curious.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Music Magazine double-page spread

Double page spread draft 3

Here is another draft for my double-page spread. Various changes have been made, the background of the page has been altered so that it even on both pages. On the left page the two top images have been changed as all three images on that page were taken on the same day. Different pictures have been arranged there to help make it look more professional and authentic. The image on the right page has been rearranged so that the page number does not awkwardly cover it. The text has been paragraphed and checked for any mistakes, making it look more official. It goes over the start up of the new artist and the progress made, as professional magazines would. Here is the article used:

Iridescent has recently signed with Adidas to be the new face of the sports wears company, taking a photo-shoot for their new sports wear magazine as seen on the left. “I can’t believe wants happened lately, it still feels like a dream. I never thought I would become this big, signing to be the new face of a major sport wears company, becoming one of the biggest artists in the UK” says the 20 year old from Liverpool. The artist has also been attending iTunes events as seen on the left, he catches a photo with rock star Deathblow. The rising star has become a local hero, and is a huge supporter of Help the Heroes.

He talks about how it felt the first time he performed in front of hundreds. “The pressure was suffocating, I could not believe how nervous I was, and I could barely stand.” However, as soon as the young artist got on stage, the rhythm flowed and his love for his music became lionized. Over the last 14 months the artist has gone through a huge transition, from working at club to club till a certain someone noticed his talent. This someone is Hugh Dewar and he is now managing the young artist, on the left is a picture of them both at the DJ awards event. Iridescent has signed on a record deal with Spinoff Records and is now becoming more popular then anyone ever thought.

The newly released album ‘G6’ is officially the first published album by the artist, we managed to grab a quote from the artist about it “This album will official mark my steps in music history, I thoroughly enjoyed making it, it will be the pure backbone of my music”. The newly released album has already sold thousands of units and has become one of the UK’s top 5 sold albums. 


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Music Magazine contents page

Contents page draft 3

Here is another draft of my contents page. I have made a few alterations. As the background is dark I brightened the text ti make them more easily readable. The masthead has been changed to white with a black outline making it more distinct and creative. The topics of each article have now been highlighted in red, helping to make them more distinguishable and clearly seen as the topic. I left the page numbers white so they can be easily and separate from the topic. The bottom right hand corner has now been covered with an advertisement. Displaying the outside with red catches the reader's attention, key parts of the text such as 'WIN' and 'Ibiza!' have been highlighted to help seize the reader's attention.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Music Magazine front cover

Front cover draft 3

Here is another edited copy of my front cover. I have only made a couple of alterations to my front cover. The masthead has been straightened out and made slightly smaller so that it can fit and fill the top of the page. The masthead now is clearly presented like that of a professional magazine, it does not look like it has been muddled up. I have also shifted the 'Exclusive' part of the front cover over to the left-third of the page so that it does not look as though it has been randomly placed, looking more of an organised layout. It will not be clearly seen from the left-third but readers will see a glimpse of it, intriguing them.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Music Magazine front cover

Front cover draft 2

Here is altered draft of my front cover for my magazine. I've made all sub-headings more bolder, making them more noticeable and easy to read. The logo in the left-third has been modified, I have change the initial text colour to a darker image so that the background image can be changed so that the contrast between them will make the logo stand out, more eye catching. The design of the heading next to the logo has also been altered. I have made it into a more unique, distinct design. I used a dotted underline design to help with the unique design. The 'Tomorrow Land' sub-heading has been enlarged an bold-end so that it is noticed and easily read in the left-third. On the other half of the cover I have enlarged and changed the font of the red text so that they appear more distinct and exciting to readers. The anchorage text displayed in front of the image has been changed slightly. I changed the text 'New Album' to the colour white, changed the font design, and displayed the text with a black background to make it stand out to readers. The positioning of the bottom texts and images have also been rearranged. The rectangle design has been rotated 90 degrees, so that it can give more thrill an interest in the left-third. The text within the design has also been altered to a more appropriate choice of words for my music genre. The 'exclusive interview' has been arranged in the middle of the bottom, and the barcode with the price and month issue is displayed in the bottom right corner. The new design layout and text designs, I believe have improved the cover, making it more thrilling and exciting to readers.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Music Magazine front cover

Front cover draft 2 (plan)

Here is a rough draft of my alterations I am planning on making to my front cover. I intend on making the logo bigger so that it can stand out more in the left-third. Trying to make it more of an original, authentic style for the magazine. There are some sub-headings I intend on also enlarging, this is to make them stand out more, filling the page and making them more readable from a distance so that it may catch a reader's eye. The anchorage text in front of the cover photo will be more bold to make it stand out more, making it more clearly read, trying to make the design more attention grabbing. Also, the bar-code will be shifted to the right-side of the cover and the text covering the right-side will be shifted to the-left. This is to make it be seen on the left-third, adding to the style of the magazine cover to catch more attention.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Music Magazine contents page

Contents page draft 2

Here is a second draft of my contents page. Looking over the NME contents design, I have designed the layout based around that. I noticed that the month issue and wed address was displayed at the top next to the heading rather then the bottom, this is so they can be easily found and not missed. I have added more information on more pages and included another image. Like the style of the NME mag, I displayed the page numbers at the top corner of each image and displayed anchorage text underneath each image rather then along with other information. I have kept the original style of my contents page as I still believe it suits my genre of music well. I have also categorized the text into two separate columns, one for the main features and one for the usual information for each issue. Reading through the NME magazine contents page, I noticed the main features were displayed towards the second half of the magazine. This is so that readers do not go straight to the main features, they read through the 'regular' information to find anything new about their familiar information before moving on to the main features. This gradually builds excitement and prevents boredom.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Music Magazine contents page

Contents page draft 2 (plan)

 Here is an idea for the second draft of my contents page. The idea is based on a contents page design from NME magazine. The design uses images along with anchorage text to exploit popular articles that the reader may want to know about. I like this design as it explains the images underneath rather then in a more organised style, the reader can clearly see the news about the image this way. This design gives a unique view, so I have decided to create a contents page with a similar design layout to this NME contents page, I will adapt the design into my own magazine's style. Although I have decided to change much of my initial design, I aiming to keep its original style.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Music Magazine double page spread

Double page spread

Here is a first draft of my double page spread. I have made significant changes to my initial idea. Using MixMag's double page spread designs as inspiration, I have created a design which I think will suit my magazine. I have removed the geometric designs as I decided to arrange the images as followed, having two images on top and one large image on the bottom. I also displayed the name of the artist behind the larger image in its own authentic, creative design. The authentic artist's name displayed behind the larger image clearly revealing the topic of the article, the combination of the main image and heading behind attracts the reader, promoting the subject. The next part of the double page spread is based on the Lady Gaga and Tinie Tempah article designs. Reading through the Tinie Tempah article, I have based my own on a similar topic, giving a masthead that grabs the readers attention straight away along with the anchorage text underneath. Seeing the Lady Gaga interview as well, I decided to display a bright red capital I behind the text. I have done this to clearly show who the text is about, but the colour of the letter keeps the magazine's authenticity along with highlighting the name of the artist in the anchorage text

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Music Magazine double page spread


Here is a double page spread article from an issue of MixMag music magazine. What appealed to me so much was the Font designs of the text. How the anchorage text is displayed in a large, simple, smart design. The design grabs the readers attention, and once read, they become intrigued to read more about the story. Reading through the story and observing the design, I think that this double page spread will be a ideal role model for designing and writing out my own article on my fictional artist.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Music Magazine double page spread

Double page spread development

Here is my double page spread design with the images added. I decided to just place the images over the shapes, this gives a 3D effect. I've added a background effect but for some reason it hasnt come through the image when uploading it. I think these images will work well in the article. I displayed the name of the artist how it would originally be displayed if it were real. I think these images will give the ideal effect and attraction to design for readers for a dance/ house music genre magazine. The grey lines in the center represent the margins.

Musin Magazine double page spread


 Here are the original and altered images I will be using for my double page spread. Using iPhoto and Preview software on the mac, these images have been altered so that they can be suitable for my double page spread. The first three of these images will be used in the geometric shapes and the fourth will be used in the text space. As it is an article I was looking for images that would just give an original vibe from the artist.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Music Magazine double page spread

Double page spread plan

Here is my plan for my double page spread design. It is inspired between two other designs, the lady gaga and geometric designs in my last post. The images on the left page will be displayed in geometric shapes to give a bright, distinguished design pattern. On the right page, the text will be displayed either around or in front of the image that will be displayed there, this is to try an give a more appealing design towards the music genre. The images of the article this will be based on is displayed on the left page before the text so readers can clearly and identify what or who it is about, this allows them to acknowledge the topic and decide whether to look through the article.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Music Magazine double page spread

Inspiration & Idea

Here are some double page spread designs that I've chosen for inspiration, and also my first initial design of my double page spread. These design don't necessarily come from dance/house music magazines, but they resemble similar characteristics that I'm looking for in my own music magazine of my chosen genre. The reason for the first design is, I like how the heading is displayed above the text, it clearly shows the topic of the text. Also, I am intrigued by the design of the giant red 'L'. It is faded so that the text can be clearly seen and displayed on top of the text, it symbolises the information on the artist, I am debating whether to use this for my own design as I think it will stand out and catch the readers eye. The reason for the second design is, the idea of inserting the images into geometric shapes fascinated me, I think that it gives a broad vivid design. I am also thinking of displaying an image in the text area and positioning the text around the image.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Music Magazine contents page

Contents Page

Here is a concluded design from my initial idea. I have slightly changed the masthead but keeping its original design. The images used have also been spaced out so that they can but easily seen. Looking through contents page designs of MixMag, most use a similar design, they use lines to distinguish the margin and information at the bottom of the page where the website and issue is kept. I used graphic designs to show off the margin, headings, page numbers of the text, and seperated the information into 'features' and 'articles' in order to create a lively design for the page to boldly show off the content. The magazne webiste below allows readers to find the online copy of the issue. The masthead is in Gill sans MT headings font, it gives a simple design and combined with the underlining, grey colour, and letter positioning, it has a stylish, sophisticated, unique style. By only mentioning particular content of the magazine intrigues the reader, making them attracted to the contents as it must be important. By mentioning well known events and artists, readers will become attracted to the magazine as to what information it may contain about who or the events they know of.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Music Magazine contents page


 Here are the images I intend on using for my contents page. I think they will be suitable for presenting the stories I have made. Using iPhoto, I will crop each photo so they are in a portrait view rather then landscape, this will enable them to fit onto the page. Looking at images professional magazines have used, I think that these images will be ideal as they give a bright, vivid view  towards the contents of the magazine. The main image will be the first one, it will be the largest as it is ideal to attract readers attention towards a dance and house music magazine.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Music Magazine contents page

Contents page plan

Here is a plan for my magazine's contents page. The plan is inspired by a contents page design from an issue of MixMag magazine. The plan has a organised, basic layout. Text is kept to the left whilst the images are kept to the right, the largest image is one of the top stories with along with other images displayed underneath. The layout design should show clearly the contents of the magazine. There will be various fonts for each different pats of the text, this is to give a true dance/house music magazine look as they need to give plenty of design that gives the wild, spontaneous, explosion that is the music's genre.

Music Magazine contents page

Contents page idea

Here is the base idea for my magazine's contents page. The images I will be using have been taken myself, the line will not be on the finished design, it represents the edge's of the images I will use. I have decided to change my design idea from my initial design to this, it has been inspired from a previous design layout idea from an issue of MixMag. The design for the masthead of the page came from the magazine idea below. It is a contents page design from an issue of VIBE magazine. Using this design, I have altered it to suit my own magazine as I think it gives the ideal font design for a professional dance and house music magazine. I will also be arranging my sub-headings in an orderly fashion just as the contents page below has done. I will be sticking to my colour scheme of red, white, black, and grey. I have displayed the masthead in the left- third and i think with its unique design font, it will attract readers.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Music Magazine contents page

Contents page inspiration

Here is a contents page design from one of MixMags magazines. I am intrigues by the proportion of size of the images, but I am interested in using it for my own magazine. I like the organised layout of the page, how the text is to one side and images to another. I am also interested in organising my contents page into sections as MixMag has done with theres, how it has fashion and then tunes etc. The design is very appealing to me, I am seriously considering using a similar design for my own music magazine contents page.

Music magazine Contents page

Contents page design

Here is the basic design of my contents page for my magazine. I have decided to base my design scheme of that of MixMags as I am fond of the design as I think it best represents a dance music magazine. In the alternating grey and white right angle, I intend on using for my sub-headings. I think that using the right angle design will attract readers to its simple geometric pattern. The other half of the page is where i intend on keeping my images. The design is different from my other design layout plans, but  I am thinking of changing it to one of them if it does not prove successful. I am also considering maybe changing the layout for the text and images for this design, perhaps having the images in the right angle and the text beneath the heading. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Music magazine Front cover

Music Magazine Design

 Here is the first draft design of my music magazine. I've made significant changes and additions tony magazine. I have increased the text in the logo so that the magazine may be better recognised from the left-third. Using Preview, I have also used a more accurate crop feature to gain a better outline of my image to look more professional. The inspiration for my design came from the mixmag magazine below. I liked how the anchorage text is used which is why I used a similar idea for my own magazine to show what the image clearly is. From the others I looked at, I thought that this one best represents the genre of music I selected, I noticed one of they key qualities it had that made it look so professional and suitable was the different font designs with each piece of text. It gave it a more vivid look, a more energetic look which of course dance is. Seeing it, I thought it would be an ideal role model for my own design. I have used hyperbolic wording with graphical effects in order to grab readers attention to the magazine. After viewing other dance magazines, I think that the cover lines I have created will give a broad vivid attraction. The barcode is located in the bottom left of the magazine along with the issue and price of the magazine.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Music Magazine contents page ideas


Here are some contents page ideas I have drawn. I am still unsure which one I would go with or even use either of them. The idea for the contents page is to boldly show the genre of the music. There are two main ideas I wish to use for the contents page, this is because I think they will be appropriate for representing a dance music magazine. One idea is to use half of ones face as the cover image and arrange the text around the image as it will bring more focus to the page, drawing the reader to the design as a dance music magazine usually contains a flowing, vibrant style. The other is to use a more orderly styled layout, keeping images to one side and text to another. Using one main image and arrange following images beneath it. Although it is not that energetic, it will still have the style of my chosen genre and it will clearly show the text clearly.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Image Editing

Software and Image

Here I took a picture of a model I am using for my front cover. At the moment I am taking multiple shots of him as I am unsure how I want him to pose, the image needs to be suitable for a dance magazine, at the moment I am experimenting to see which image is ideal. Here is one of the images I have taken, using the software iPhoto editing features I cropped the image and edited its colour contrast to give a more vibrant look. I wanted to remove the picture of my model from its background, I did this with the software Preview I used its lasso cropping feature to remove it from the background. I am unsure whether this final image is what i want on my front cover.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Music magazine

Front cover idea

Here is my layout design idea for my music magazine. I want to use a layout style different to my school magazine. The idea for this layout came from the basis of most music magazine front covers of my genre. Although the idea of the logo is the same as my school magazines, I wish to keep it as it is because thats what I intended on doing with my music magazine, this is because it can be recognised by its own original design. The reason as to I've added in a from cover from MixMag music magazine is because I am intrigued by its design. I like how the image has been displayed over the masthead giving more focus and more likely to catch the readers eye, this makes me consider cropping my own photo and using the same style. There is anchorage text used, which is displayed in front of the focus of the image. This particularly caught my eye as it brings more focus and meaning to the main attraction to the front cover. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

School magazine contents page

Contents page inspiration

The reason why this contents page became my inspiration is because of its design structure and its layout. What caught my eye about it was the introductory message at the top of the page and the separated column, the featured articles. I liked the idea of these design ideas so I decided to implament them into my own contents page idea, in my own design style. Another reason why I liked the contents page (where the inspiration for my own came from) is because it was friendly, it gave a welcoming message at the start, the layout was structured well and clearly showed the page numbers for each topic in a organised way. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

School magazine front cover

 Front cover inspiration

Here is the background image I used for my front cover, my final design for my College magazine, and the idea for the style of my sub-headings. You can notice that the image used for the background has changed on my final design. Using iPhoto I edited the image to give a more vibrant, joyful appearance as the original image had a lesser look due to the weather conditions. Also, I used the programme to remove the 'College' masthead to give room for the heading of my magazine, it would look bizarre if I left it there and added in my heading. The college logo was added in to give the same effect as the idea I have for my music magazine, as the heading was further down the page I needed a logo for the top half. The idea for the font design for my heading came from the 'MixMag' music magazine. Although it is a music magazine, I thought that the design would look good as it is simple and modern. The size and style of the magazine would have to remain the same for the next issues of the magazine, I have sort of trapped myself with the design of the heading as it cannot be changed that much. The reason why I was inspired to use the style from the example for my own was because I thought the style is quite fitting, friendly, and suitable for a school/college magazine as it represents the youth of the students.